Saturday, July 27, 2024


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No lesson learnt from second wave even as Covid-3 spectre looms
Even as India is yet to get over the ravages of the second wave of covid-19, the possibility of a third wave of the deadly disease is looming large over the country. While it’s not yet clear when the third wave will break out and who will be the most vulnerable to it, going by the conviction of many...
QRX launches SaralTest
Amidst weeks of gloomy news due to resurgent Corona virus and the rising number of cases due to fast spreading Omnicron variant, finally there’s good news in form of a ground breaking Swadeshi Covid test that is Ultra Fast, High accuracy and still more cost efficient than existing alternatives. A New Delhi based Startup, QRx India Pvt Ltd, launched Saral...
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When chips were down, courts rise to redeem lost glory, instil...

As the Covid19 struck India hard with vengeance in its second wave we were witness to a phenomenon where democracy was...

Not just covid, complacency did us in

  With the last shahisnan (royal dip) on April 27 the biggest religious congregation Kumbh Mela 2021 draws to a close on...

Little things from lens

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World in a sketch

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Flood havoc fails to wake up Bihar administration
As the monsoon season has set in the spectre of floods has come to haunt Bihar once again. Like previous years, this time around the state government's promises of a better flood management strategy turned...
  Nepal, the Himalayan nation which looks like a band-aid on India on the map, itself stands bruised and battered today in need of an immediate first-aid. As if the unsavoury developments of the past few...
  Boredom at times leads to creativity… It might sound weird, but it’s indeed the most critical aspect of today’s hyperactive but sensitive lifestyle. It is no different to children. Life today has become so absorbing that...
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Curious Case of No-Confidence-Motion, Red Fort Address and Lost Opportunity

The Red Fort in India is a symbol of freedom and also a living representative of the struggle and sacrifice behind...

Crisis : Flood and flood victims in Delhi!

Delhi , the National of India has witnessed the highest level of water since 1978 in Yamuna in July 2023 causing...

DDA launches housing scheme on first come first serve basis

Delhi Development Authority has launched it’s new housing scheme. The scheme has launched on the basis of first come first serve...