Sunday, February 23, 2025
I can call myself Generation X. Probably the generation that has seen most of the changes. The life has changed quite substantially. In fact, everything changed. Those days, there used to be no internet and...
April Fool news
The good thing about imagination is that we own it and can mould it as per our whims and fancies. That we can let it fly in any frivolous direction makes us human beings. April...
‘Baap pe jana nahi’....Discourse amid Congress, BJP goes down to Mariana Trench A seed of gross indecency was sown long ago in the heart of the dense jungle of politics. But, the fruit of that fully-grown...
Boycott movie pathaan trend
  For over 70 years, the Central Board of Film Certification has been assiduously reining in the filmmakers in India. Nonetheless, it’s now time it makes way for the ‘Dharma Censor Board’ – a newly constituted...
Orphaned by Covid, many kids at the mercy of elusive Govt doles
A joint family was happily living on the outskirts of village Gauras near Kareli, Madhya Pradesh, away from the hustle-bustle of urban life. The family consisted of an old mother, her three sons, daughters-in-law, and...
For whom is the farm stir, the average farmer
  As the farmers’ protest entered the eighth month, social media is again abuzz with loads of arguments in favour and against the agitation. While both parties have a lot to argue about the pros and...
Time to accept LGBTQA and facilitate its joining of the national mainstream
The first thing that comes to mind when we hear the phrase “Gay Pride” as millennials and Gen-Z is streets filled with people throwing glittering confetti holding aloft flags and banners representing their respective sexual...
No more lal batti culture, time to rein in on haughty babus
  Every now and then, one gets to read and hear about the erratic, arrogant and at times aggressive behaviour of the civil servants who abuse the power vested in them by the constitution with impunity,...
When chips were down, courts rise to redeem lost glory, instil faith in democracy
As the Covid19 struck India hard with vengeance in its second wave we were witness to a phenomenon where democracy was put to test with many institutions failing in their calling. At a time when...
Interfaith bonhomie with Covid playing cupid in its own way
  At a time when social distancing to ward off the deadly coronavirus has become a norm, the two major religious groups in the country, Hindu and Muslim, have a reason to come closer to each....