Tuesday, March 4, 2025
  In this age of social media that ensures access to fastest and most sophisticated communication network anywhere and everywhere, can we boast of being well connected. Here is a message for all of us: Seeking clarification...
  As there has been a steady increase in love marriages these days, so is their failure rate. But what is disappointing is that only girls pay a heavy price as they have to carry the...
  The other day, I came across a message on WhatsApp that reflects how dependent we have become on technology and its long term implications. Felt like sharing with the readers of Alt Lipi. Here it goes…...
  Recently, a news portal rejected a journalism student after selecting her for the job of an anchor. The reason for sudden change of heart was that the said candidate refused to work part with her...
  Even after breaking almost all male bastions, today’s woman carries the baggage of her social and traditional role as a mother, sister and daughter while men remained free from any such liabilities Today’s women are...
  With an increase in English medium public and international schools; the emphasis on English as a spoken medium of interaction in the educational institutions is increasing like never before. Parents too are keen on seeing...
  Defying community diktat, Nirmala Meghani continued to sing against all the odds. Banking on access to social media, the upcoming sufi cum classical singer reached out to music lovers within Pakistan and India and earned...
  In India, it is almost a given. While political parties in power, at the Centre or in states, dole out freebies to the public, especially during election season to remain in power, those in the...
  We generally overlook the personal and family life of a professional while judging his/her calibre. However, skeletons of even successful people in our midst keep spilling into public domain every now and then due to...
  Watching a couple of videos of air crashes, of wailing passengers on flight, their criesso loud andun-bearable and the heat of the visible fire burnt my own soul, I asked myself has for the passenger...